Last Friday my sweet husband tilled the garden so we could plant!
Although my motivation was growing wary from cool weather and stubborn seeds, tilling the garden sparked my interest yet again.
I finally got my strawberry plants planted....twenty-three plants in all! This pot looks a little funny, but it took the best picture. The other two pots are terra cotta and hold nine plants each. My only worry about having pots like this is not being able to hang them up high. I am worried that Tom, our cat, will destroy them. We'll see.
So my mother decided that she wanted more space in the garden and I decided I wanted more space in the garden; therefore, mother got more space. I managed, however, to get everything planted, though not according to my chart.
Everything is now sprouting. Great story...my mother was watering all our little sprouts in the greenhouse when our friendly 5'+ black snake pokes his head down in from of my mother's face. After catching her breath, she watches him stretch out all the way across the width of the greenhouse. As she looks up she finds his MUCH larger friend coiled around the rafter. At that point she thought she'd better give the snakes some space. Thankfully black snakes mean that Rattlers and Copperheads are not around, so we'll keep them after all, but naturally they give us the heeby jeebies. I personally met one of them a couple days later. I hope to catch a picture of them at some point, but perhaps it'll only be their skin as they shed it.
I don't know how much longer before I can plant my pepper and tomato plants, probably at least three more weeks, but they are looking good so far.
So it's really hard to take nice pictures of piles of dirt to reflect the hours spent planting seeds and plants so these next couple pics will be just that...piles of dirt and a couple little plants. I am always amazed by how one little seeds can quickly turn into a jungle of plants and fruit. Amazing....I am a devout Christian, but I can't understand how someone wouldn't believe in God after watching nature do it's thing.
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