My son took cucumber and squash to his school today for "salad day." He was proud to say that he picked them from his garden. My favorite kid interpretation is calling Zucchini a Bikini.

I have mentioned how our peppers aren't our best crop? I am serious. These peppers have been in the ground for a LONG time. AND now finally we see some jalapenos. The plants are nearly three feet tall. They are beautiful plants, but I wish they'd spend their beauty on the peppers.

These are my small, fancy gourds. I have been training them on the trellis this week. I am hoping this will allow more garden space, but also, I am hoping that the fruit will be nice and round since they are off the ground.

Here are a couple, beautiful gourds. So far, so round.

This is my tallest sunflower. I like how this sunflower is about six inches in diameter rather than twenty inches. This year I am growing it for beauty rather than for the seeds. You can see a little sunflower underneath. It's even smaller.

My Baby Boos are doing so well. They are growing quickly. I wonder when I will have to harvest them. They are only supposed to be about three inches. I will have to do more research on this. I also trained the Baby Boos to grow on a trellis. This made a huge difference. See below.

And this is the largest of my Cinderella Pumpkins to date. I can't wait to see what they turn into. I built a make-shift trellis to prevent them from growing over the tomatoes and peppers, but I am concerned that the tellis will fall with the weight if pumpkins grow on my trellis creation.

A couple weeks ago I thought my garden was looking bare. I was thinking that maybe I over spaced them. By my memory of last years pumpkins proved accurate. This plant has more than tripled in size in the last couple weeks. I am now starting to think about pruning.

This is our guard dog, Caleb. We keep him chained in the garden at night (with food, water and shelter, of course) to scare off the deer. So far it is really working!

Change of location. We're at my house checking out my False Alarm Hybrid Peppers. They are growing well in the pots...this pot particularly well as it holds water the best. I think I even see the beginnings of some pepper buds. Please disregard the awful weeds. It's on my to do list.

This is also an experiment. I am growing birdhouse gourds in a whiskey barrel. I bet by the time summer is over my whole house will be covered in vines!

These are the squash. Fabulous, huh?
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