
I <3 Emealz

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wow, talk about RAIN!

Okay, so it has rained and rained and rained and rained. WOW. Thankfully the garden was not flooded, so we're good, but wow, talk about the rain.

And we're excited to see actual flowers on the blackberry vines!

Most all of our seeds have poked their way through the ground. Everything looks good except some of our green beans. I don't know what is going on there, but I think we'll probably plant a few more for the weirdo plants. If it turns out to be be a rabbit problem, I don't suppose there is much to do there, but if it is a seed problem we'll just plant some more.

The tomatoes and broccoli have shot up a few inches and quite frankly the onions look about ready to pull up and eat. And in the next couple weeks we'll be ready to plant our seedlings. They, too, have grown.Check out some of the other beauties that have popped up since last week.

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Christian, Wife, Mother of two, Gardener, Quilter, Conservative, Wife of Musician, Homemaker, Average Cook, Homeowner, Outside Cat Owner, Owner of a miniature schnauzer, Office Manager and Nursery Coordinator and American Citizen.